Friday, January 28, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Non Local and Abstract Color

Liz Hickok
City Hall
From San Francisco in Jell-O® 
Santa Fe Gallery

Liz Hickok's 2004 series, San Francisco in Jello, is a collection of photographs taken of a cityscape constructed in jello of San Francisco. The very odd and unrealistic angles of view in contrast with the realistic placement and proportions of the buildings creates drama and tension within the photos. One photo in particular, City Hall, shows a very lifelike replica of the building in red jello. The lighting also aids the low angle of view in creating drama within the composition. The red color choice maybe referring to Communism and the use of jello implies child-likeness or flaws withing the government. Non local or abstract color is distorting the natural or original color of an object, such as changing this white government building to red.